Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How To Make A Small Model Motor Boat

An X Factor Peruvian

This is a new post published in the newspaper El Comercio. You know that to access the full text need only to click here .

not forget to leave your comments.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Mumbai Delhi Flight Plan

With kings do not play

thousand years ago, in a Public Relations class in college, a very knowledgeable and charismatic teacher, gave us a case study to develop as a matter of course evaluation. The issue was about a libel or defamation made in a radio news program to a private entrepreneur and therefore the brand that was going. The program was, of course, invented and went on Saturdays and Sundays from 5:00 to 6:00.
The idea was that we as "public relations" Company, will solve the dispute from cleaning the complaints in which he had wrapped around all the company's brand. And I remember well that as a pretty novice students in these fields, we messed up the bottom, because far more disastrous was our cure the disease.
All we had scheduled for output-in game was our note-very important press conferences, press releases with judicious addressed to each written media, radio and television, where "cleaned" the image of our brand. Fatal error! The shot definitely went the stock, because dust got up and put the complaint in the mouth from around the world when, in reality, only a handful of people had heard of the case because he had been on a radio program and a minimum schedule hearing.
The problem was solved in the most simple: as a brand, we demanded via letter of attorney or some form thereof, that the program, at the same time slot and for the same groups, rectify or substantiate the complaint, and did for the same amount of minutes he had used to speak of "our business." And ready.
A similar problem has engulfed the English Royal Family ago several days after a largely unnoticed and tabloid magazine - "The Thursday" - published a cartoon where are the princes of Asturias in compromising sexual situation as it evokes a 2000 euro hard cash, that would fall into their hands if had a son [1]. A bullet, frankly, very poor taste and rather simplistic, but it hurt deep in royalty to the point of going to asolapada censorship.
One day after the publication of Justice ordered the lifting of the magazine market and the disappearance of the bullet. The cure worse than the disease. It's like telling a child no haga algo porque es malo… las ganas se multiplican y verá la manera de sacarle la vuelta a la prohibición. Al final la revista si bien no vendió más números de los que esperaba, los pocos lo hizo a precios realmente escandalosos (que pasaban los 2000 euros por unidad, según voces de la calle).

Supongo yo que los jueces no entran a Internet ni conocen de la rapidez y facilidad con que se cuelgan todo tipo de informaciones, principalmente si éstas contienen alta dosis de morbosidad. Los príncipes de Asturias, groseramente caricaturizados, estuvieron en más páginas y diarios del mundo de lo que se hubieran imaginado. Y por si esto fuera poco, crearon un terrible precedente sobre freedom of expression in a country that can boast of democratic and tolerant.
was, therefore, to talk with ordinary people, know what they thought about it. Most did not hide his anger with the bullet, which was considered in bad taste and people of the magazine as characters who sought popularity [2] in the most brazen, hitting hard and dirty, to be the talk of the world. However, not covered up the reaction of the royal family or of justice. "Everyone has the right to express yourself, like it or not." Comments were then more kept coming. "That the kings of Spain were too protected, "said one," people who are blameless, "others," it was no secret who committed shameful acts as or more than their English peers, but were lucky enough to enjoy with the permission of journalism ", the most risky , "that here there was a day as 'The Sun' or 'The Mirror', but 'El Jueves' because he looked like he had pulled something similar in the past", and so one after the other.
Mario Vargas Llosa, in a wonderful article in the newspaper El Pais and that also plays The Commerce, says the royal family enjoys the blessing of the English press and society, among other reasons because "the manner in strict compliance with the functions of protocol, and an open, easygoing, friendly and accessible with the kings, princes and princesses with the other, that is with us commoners. This is why, for me, far more than the fear of violating the constitutional provision that prohibits insulting and denigrating to the royal family, which has established that tacit agreement among all media of Spain to exonerate so far petting , exhibitionism and relaxation information that feeds the civilization of the show and the public demands of the media. "
But what about the worldly people, those who themselves are handled, vilified and insulted every day. Would be folksy and friendly is enough for them and we do not? Apparently yes. Simply because the crown is not played and because, as the Church, are institutions converted from a lot in English social treasury. But would have to see how the media are on top of them to report pregnancies, baptisms, rides and countless public appearances, and especially the great reception from the public, which comes on every newscast.
Le fastidie a quien le fastidie, la familia real es sinónimo de tranquilidad, de status quo, de democracia y principalmente de tradición. Atacarla es atentar contra el modelo familiar español. Sin embargo, el castigo, la eliminación del número de esa fatal revista parece más bien un acto totalmente contrario a lo que la corona refleja. Un exabrupto que de pasar a mayores podría ser el punto de quiebre en donde la familia de Don Juan Carlos pierda ese respeto de los medios y se una a los mortales, para ser carne de cañón de los mass media .


[1] El jefe de gobierno español José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero announced in early July, the new law that gives 2000 euros for English couples bring a child into the world. One measure that has political support in the declining birth rate and, to a year of elections, appears more like a whiff quite populist. [2] The criminally accused have viewed the court decision only play for them, because if sold by a few individuals, from sales of this measure would go through the roof. And William, artist, taking the thing off as a joke, actually said was "drawn to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise but very badly and drawing people are thought to others. "

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Auditions For Princess Cruises 2010

This is a post that has just appeared in the newspaper "El Comercio" in the weblog I also call Peru.

I invite you to read and pass leave comments.

To read it click here him.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Licensing Requirement Of Red Ribbon
