Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Disneyland Braided Leather Bracelets

Tell me who read and tell you what pose you

this blog I've posted two years and many months and throughout the time I received comments of all calibers, some of them unprintable, although the authors believe me, I keep them with love and respect. I have said all, I have called around and reminded me everything. I read phrases fierce, intelligent, quick, warm. I have stumbled upon liver trials, suffering, flattering. This was to be a post dedicated to them, because they are an important part of this page.
So my first idea was blown twenty-eight months that I have been writing, entering each of the post and read every one of the comments to select those who can, somehow, to summarize the history of this blog. But my laziness wins, what can I say. It's hard work and I have no secretary. What I've noticed is that the first two years turned to the letter writing for each month, typical, and were gibberish and nonsensical texts which are the majority. How far can write interesting things, transcendental, revelatory. Nothing!
pasotas Rather there are texts, surface, pure fuck. However, I also tried to write one or two who were slightly thought, thought, understood. Perhaps a sketch, a shy touch of novice painter, which of course have no depth. I do not know if bored, or Seriot, or simply because they were poorly written. But those who talk about bad girls, Peruvians recognized leagues on hi5, the music of the 90, the importance of size, etc.., Those other than were read, and above all they said. Of course, this is not the blog of Cisneros [1] does not appear in an important newspaper. But there are those here, were the most discussed.
Now, if we analyze what written here, we can reach conclusions that fall to mid-mature and rotting of the tree twisted: I do not write serious texts and what is more, or worse, I do not write them out well.
And while we're on stage vox populi going to rebel my biggest secret: I read texts either deep or serious. Never read Proust, and I am convinced that the thousands of volumes of In Search of Lost Time continue for me as lost as before. I was the first-sleeping one night in the same street concert tickets to buy Madonna's debut Jaime Bayly and read it in one day, happy, and although that is a really bad book. It was the illness, what they want to say. I still
: The only time I opened the first page of Ulysses, Joyce, I fell asleep, and I never make the same mistake. There remains closed. I enjoyed as I read Cossack Life of Martin Romana exaggerated, Bryce. And my high in life is to follow his steps: copy, and what is best: make money for copying.
repeat: I hate my pseudo public relations work in Spain and now I realize that I hated my work in Lima as a writer and editor for newspapers in the doldrums. And I must admit that the only job he really liked me in this life has been a teacher, because it was the only time I've won things that money and send others to read and I understand.
cast the first stone Let he who does not once said at a meeting of well, about a cup of coffee and cigarettes, chat rooms, which only reported in Trade and denies the pamphlets, which Vargas Llosa reads and mocks the writer Bayly, who sees only black and white movies and hates Panorama [2].
If I remember a couple of threads going about my favorite and totally arbitrary list of books, stories and movies of all time. There are the comments from more than one who claims to have read and seen nearly complete lists when I'm sure you have browsed more than one or two. Not that I do, and the rest, if I said that I have read recently and pretty bad, but because there is so much choice in the marketplace, so little time in life to embrace all that it would be much chance. What happens is that we were right.
It's like when in full session with the same people you're either telling the story of the book you just read but do not remember the author's name and then you go to the scholar of the group to ask about the name in question because it never fails, and pretend to think and toss in a hundred faces and bid as if the memory operate when you squeeze it and finally said, "I do not remember" when the rest who knows the author and the book does not have the slightest fucking idea, just a world that tells us to accept that we do not know what we know and it is better to say I do not remember.
Since long ago left that pose. When someone asks me for an author who does not know or dogfight, lift the shoulders and admit my ignorance, the same with books, records and information in general. And I'm on my own, reading what I like and write what I please. And above all, waiting for the comments on each post, the only or few out there who appear to understand a bit more to people who read me and know what they also have to say, because that's what this blog and write stories here. ----------------------------------------------
[1] The Bride Seeking is my greatest envy. I want to be like him, you pretty well commented million and will publish the post in best-selling books and signing autographs. [2] And not to mention the pose of the many journalists who appear in photographs in the same style of César Vallejo, who by the way I read a thousand times without coming to understand ", when signing an item.