Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Painting A Fire Hearth

Mr. Brown's letter

When Mrs. Jessie Brown was the second of his three children, perhaps, to watch him grow and play was president, thought that one day this family of Protestants, would a tenant 10 Downing Street.

Many years later, when Mrs. Jacqui Janes had a son, Jamie, perhaps, to watch him grow and play with toy guns, thought that one day, the English family would have one of its members in Armed Forces .

What I never imagined the first is that his son had such bad handwriting and even, say, spelling, because overall, is a lesser evil after he had to suffer her poor son [1]. However, the second not imagined that a mine in Afghanistan will take the life of belonging first battalion of the Grenadier Guards of the British Army while on a routine walk. Menudo

brown that got Mr. Brown as a victim or not their short-sightedness, decided to write a letter to Mrs. Janes to offer his condolences on the death of his son, days later in a hospital. Because not only has a calligraphy frightening but also writes in a draft, or with patches that first manuscript, full of misspellings and words without end in the same style "I understand." An official letter that looked more like those leaves in which writers scribble bits and pieces to get the story pace and focus, in short, evidence later go to the trash can, without question.

It turns out that Mrs. Janes, indignant she dolidísima her for the death of his son and this letter as vulgar and blotted, went straight to the world's largest daily tabloid world The Sun , did not hesitate a second publish it for about acid throwing barbs against Prime Minister of England, no less.

And scandal sells more than books of Dan Brown, a brown one more to the story but now little has something to do, "the Brown story, the English Premier, he ignored his advisers and called ipso facto to hurt Mrs. Janes to explain the inexplicable, and as you know lady who is my writing that I am and not who can not write the name of his son, and so on. And as Mrs. Jane learns quickly even in times of mourning, he decided to record the conversation because while there are also newspapers TV channels just like the tabloids.

Lucky for him, Mr. Brown issued its apology a day later but in the background still does not recognize that you can not write too well and that your handwriting lesson should be limited to masturbation, if possible, and signing Prime Minister when necessary. -------------------------------------------------

-------- [1] When I was young, James Gordon Brown lost complete vision in his left eye playing rugby and the right is just 30%.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Does Doctor Do Surgery

Natalie Portman by Mario Testino

The great Peruvian photographer Mario Testino continues to delight us with your pictures after all these years photographing famous people worldwide. Seems to have spent a thousand years since those times when selling their photos for £ 25 pretty girls who dreamed of becoming top models to earn meager life.

In the latest issue of V Magazine V62 , Testino gives us the most sensual and rocking Natalie Portman. Quite far from the galactic princesses, the Portman would be able to achieve peace in his country and appearing before any Palestinian authority.

Why more words ...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Compact Flash Which Is Most Reliable

Who has Salander eggs?

I was always a fan of the novel. A follower, not a faithful reader. Like so much that is written as what is said and speculated it and around it. Of course being a loyal reader now would be a better person, I think, or at least a step closer to how I looked when I was a teenager.

know less than they would about authors of detective novels, texts of famous classical and police detectives Holmes or Poirot style. I never read The Maltese Falcon, for example, but always fascinated me that look gray and perpetual fog that is created around this type of texts. Moreover, for years I have home a black hat, when I finally buy in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich I keep with affection and I never wear and I always wanted to stay with me for braces because of my good friend Chris Shunk, who was the one I saw morning classes when I was teaching at a university.

And since I'm well, a little timid and confused and I do not get what I buy, I am convinced that Salander will never know, nor will I be able to "measure" to where it receives the eggs. After years of tortuous vicissitudes Lisbeth now must live in Stockholm and should give an occasional break from Gibraltar to check closely that men no longer pick up point or exploit it. At least, I do believe. You should be enjoying their income without the obligation to work and you should be taking to bed for men or women handpicked NN. May continue to live apart from the rest of the world as a huge department of an exclusive area of \u200b\u200bthe capital and eating pre-cooked pizza while the clock is stuck to its powerful computer.

Maybe - how I wish! - Right now is reading the text which I write the first page of the Word and is raising his eyebrows and adding two plus two in the head (x ³ + y ³ = z ³, makes the theorem Fermat). "Who is this guy and why write about me? Would well and good, but I know not. Although ... you never know ... "You're the best, Lisbeth. I'm with you ", just in case.

Yes, a hacker, yes, he stole in 2400 million dollars, yes, it's antisocial, yes, was branded as mentally retarded, yes it is short and thin, but operated the breasts, and now is not so bad . In addition, he stole the money from a businessman crook, do not talk to people because we know she and I, that people are stupid and it'll cross off delayed to the first genius who crosses our path, and of course crimes committed in cyberspace, but worth truths, who does not?

More than once has been described as a kind of Mediaslargas Pippi (Longstocking in Spain), the red-haired outsider strongest in the world, others by comparing with little wit and a large share of easy-to Lara Croft, while another is therefore stays with his huge dragon tattoo that covers her entire back and remind him every time his life has been like Asperger's syndrome, or zero emotions.

But what is certain is that it is famous, and at this stage of life, three best seller then there should be no one in the world that does not sit well Lisbeth Salander, I am the first. This in the mouth and mind of all and even a Swedish actress Noomi Rapace has tried to imitate her in the film. What a nerve! No one can or try to imitate Salander.

If you read three books by Stieg Larsson and stay with one character is a crime, yes, I am guilty, and get my courage up there [1]. Because it is incomparable with what this woman must have passed: Throughout his childhood he was a victim of psychological torture tied to a gurney in a mental institution, was later brutally raped and fondled injured in the media, the branded satanic received three shots, one including the brain, and was buried alive and was eventually released in the same style of Tarantino's Bride, by the way, say they want buy the rights to make their own version of Salander. Uma Turman "?, Mmm, no hits.

Lisbeth Salander is a woman who is not afraid of anything or anyone, which is consistent with his promises, who lives surrounded by the open and take what you want. Had he been a woman he wanted to be like her, is more like a man had wanted to be like her. Now I want to be hacker, but hardly argue with the Office, I want to drive a motorcycle, but I suffer when I get to any steering wheel, I steal millions to bad, but I lock myself at home and disown Madoff, had wanted to be a private detective work in a security company as she and the hat would have been ready for release, but I prefer read novels, or even all of them because I did not read or The Maltese Falcon.

Anyway, Lisbeth Salander, in the eyes of the creator of the Millennium trilogy [2] and me, no doubt, is the alter ego of a righteous with piercings and tattoos, urban superhero eggs that it would anyone. I am the first.

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[1] Well, true worth, I also left with a trivial but interesting information: Gatan street is Swedish. [2] Millennium Trilogy: Men Who Hate Women (2008), The girl who dreamed of a match and a can of gasoline (2008) and Queen's palace drafts (2009), Editorial Destino.

Friday, July 31, 2009

How Can A Person Die From A Bowel Obstruction?

I'm a fan of Uncle San Genarín

The first time I came to Europe were entering this new century and the world's Surf despercudía the Sydney Olympics. He had been invited and encouraged to Germany and, sorry, I landed in Frankfurt on 30 October, Octoberfest came to an end and I was disappointed. However, in the month I was in tourist plan I got even trying all kinds of beer from supermarkets, bars and taverns. My companion, despite her life totally Germanic origin and was more of white wine, beer taste but enjoyed seeing red, brown, brown, gold, orange. Until by chance I put a bottle in his hand, "this is not German, I think it is rather Dutch, but it's pretty good ", read: Heineken.

The first time I was traveling in New York and had no Twin Towers, and how good Peruvian bottles at me grabbed my father, good Christian, to drink beer. By then I was in Pilsen or Cusco with a single glass in round and foam on the ground, bang, bang. Cheers Crown knew the movies, with a lemon wedge on top of the bottle, but then cost one blue eye of the face and it was difficult to get them. I left the choice in the hands of my father, who lived in North America had been good years. "The Budweiser cat seems to pee, "he said. We got in the car and went to an area of \u200b\u200bQueens that sell wholesale. Called a case of Heineken. Twenty-four cans green. Tremenda drunk!

Just over two years I moved to Spain with my wife. I came with a sense of divorcing estarme beer, especially Peruvian, to the bed where wine, specialty of the house. However, I can not complain. Lucia, when not giving the Mojito opts rather for the Clarita (beer mixed with lemon soda), but when we first arrived was beautiful only when I said "in my parents' house drinking beer flows." Then I met my father in his environment: in addition to the red with the food, go to the Heineken as one drinks water when thirsty.

In my house there's always beer. I no longer drink like in Peru, until the dogs, and I love you I adore you, etc.. Here as you get used to a more enjoyable pace, drink and enjoy it. A beer or two a day, with food, thirst-quenching period. Only Heineken. It's the best I've tried so far and although it has detractors, like everything in this life because the authors go further lost when it comes to tastes and styles, I stick I stick to it.

The point is that a few months ago someone passed me in an email advertising Heineken is great. By now everyone must have seen the left because a new, green tin. Of great talent. Perhaps American, perhaps English, who knows. Then he went on television and has since been created to a community, like the ring, but on the Internet, with over 130 000 fans Uncle advertising, the blond that photo, which excites anyone to tears, I the first.

Because no shoes in the world, wallets in the world, bags in the world equal to the excitement, the lack of control, the overflowing joy of the Lord touching when you see the paradise, the great Your friend's refrigerator. I want an equal!

Who has not dreamed of having an entire room full of beer and tempered. And soul mates willing to not leave you alone in the daunting task of giving free rein to the last drop. It is the dream of everyone. The panacea!

advertising going there and tell me if it does not want to be the best friend of this man.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Why Doesn't Denise Milani Show

Heineken, skipper Marc

From this year, getting away a bit of agnosticism, forgive you, I have decided to become a believer and read it. I have become more devout and faithful servant of San Gennaro, Genarín for friends, my idol, my picture, my little card on my bed, my light at the end of the road, all from this Holy Thursday, or from yesterday. And do not know how it has changed my life! Now I have in me inner peace.
So far Leon was for me the city slaughterhouse meat, sausage and spices in bulk, dry cold and bronze statues of the English people it's heyday. But now I get to their patron saint, or at least the saint to which many will worship and homage. And I join them. It
every Holy Thursday for about seventy years, the faithful take in procession the image of San Genarín, patron Marc [1], and therefore gradual, patron of the drunks. And it is followed by a crowd that follows the steps giving it even pays homage to the bottle during the Easter and clean if not the sins of the soul, at least the body of toxins.
Your name, Genaro Blanco Blanco, lived in the early twentieth century and was always fond of good drink, women and brothels. By profession he was Pellejero, what else could be, but worth truths, barely exercised. He preferred to go with the pleasures of the flesh, a john, and die in his own.
According to gossip, at Easter 1929, a note appeared in the Journal of Leo in which he reported that on the morning of Holy Thursday, in bizarre circumstances when a drunk who apparently gave vent to his "urgent needs on the basis of the third bucket of the Roman wall of León, at the level of street racing," was struck by the first truck of the city garbage . It turns out that Genaro Blanco, drunk to Cuba, I take the time and took a piss when it appeared the garbage truck, the first of León, say with pride, and took him ahead. He died in his law, no doubt.
Since then, his closest friends and fellow members of drunkenness decided to make a pilgrimage in the footsteps of that night to the same place where he lost his life to leave a glass residue. And year after year, it was adding people into a pagan tradition but is a busy partying and macerated.
Some say remember him as a man rather short, and ugly face with a permanent tan, thanks to alcohol, who frequented the bars and taverns, where Marc spent his drinking. Rumour other who was dirty, pissed and armed scandal, but who speak that way and was recognized as religious cucufato excluded in these days of what it was once their own parties.
Finally, he died a drunkard and since then, and thanks to some miracles, at least be credited with curing the patient of kidney-, every year we take in procession through the city and remember him in the bottom of each bottle. Nothing more beautiful and true witness, outside the chest beating, self-righteousness and not to stay at home watching movies holy.
In Peru, I do not know a patron of this vast amount. At most Sarita Colonia, also of the time, rather patron saint of the poor and snacks, say in Callao, the whores and thieves, because everyone is entitled to go to heaven, but a patron of the drunks, for somebody please correct me, since he already is time and what a shame not having anyone to pray. If you find some that say it loud and clear that I do I aim and to sponsor me for the party bosses, you understand me.
Meanwhile, the health of San Genarín, I offer to wait for the next Holy Thursday. ----------------------------------------------
[1] Marc is a spirit, a spirit which is obtained from the distillation of grape bagasse.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Aluminum Zirconium During Pregnancy

A bit of art, please

The months have raced at the speed of Usain Bolt from last Once I posted something in this blog. Late November and since then nothing. Total dryness. Dry the pitcher after the source ... and so on. Have not had anything to say? Had he spent the gray matter? "I had said goodbye the muses? Was fought with writing? Topic
always, though I'm not sure if he wanted, they at least when he wrote "without raising his fist." He could have spoken, for example, the end of the year, Obama and his uphill in America or Europe as temporary speaker of the weather when he meets a stranger in the elevator. Something to say so as not to remain silent. Avoid awkward silences and phrases like "passed an angel." Following the slogan "Speak good or bad, but speaks" [1]. I could have written about Llosa, not my dear friend singer-greetings, Llosa, from Vigo, but the filmmaker of The Empty Nest , and how here in Spain speak of victory at the Berlinale film " English-Peruvian ", in that order, and proudly information, or as a film more" English "success rate reaching the Pe Bardem. Because while a Peruvian made on an issue as Peruvian as exotic, but the post is English as much of the investment [2].
That's all right. No complaint. Again, had issue, but the time dragged. And enough time has passed. And so I dare to write again. About Holland. Or rather about a group of nineteenth-century Dutch.
turns out that since 2003 the famous Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, one of the world's most prestigious style Louvre or the Prado, is under renovation, so that only 5% of his works can be seen in the same castle that houses it. The remaining 95% are turning to the major cities of Europe, USA and Japan. A them, concerning the Hague School is located two blocks from my home in the city center, it would be unforgivable to miss it.
few days ago I went to the edge of the night, and again this week because once is never enough. After an hour and a half wandering around the room, as long as I stayed until it closed its doors, I ended up with the feeling that we need a full day to appreciate and enjoy pictures of unsurpassed beauty.
Influenced by the Barbizon School in France, the exponents of the School of the Hague-inspiring modern masters like Van Gogh focus on the Dutch countryside, towns and villages, and the sea and fishermen, with an enviable sensitivity. Highlight the meadows, the landscape of windmills, typical Dutch, as In the month of July. A windmill on a polder , Gabriël Constant, constant or cows in the works of Willem Maris, as Vaca reflected in water, does inspiration Cows Van Gogh?
The exhibition is a walk to relax, that rocks that blanket. And their authors, perhaps lesser known artists elsewhere, and bowing to beauty. In just half an hour I could enjoy some of them. One of the most Featured perhaps Anton Mauve, cousin and mentor of Van Gogh from the beginning. Your Walk of morning on the beach (pictured in this text) is known for its colors, its realism to the point of having the droppings of the horses in the foreground. They say that this detail went unnoticed for years since their first buyers, reluctant to see horse poop in the art, sent to cover them. It was not until many years later, while working on the restoration of the painting, when they discovered the feces.
seventy-five works displayed on the School of the Hague, on this first visit I stay with the picture of Louis Apol, One January afternoon in the woods Hague [3], one of the many paintings that the artist painted in the snow, the great obsession of his career. Apol toured the coldest continent with the intention to reflect the surroundings and the sensations in his work, so different from the cold air of his oils, are capable of emotions.
why must I go back these days and until 12 April when the exhibition ends, to continue to enjoy this collection. As many times as necessary until you have referred to ad nauseam every Dutch paintings and watercolors. Definitely the best advance the adept at sweet, the trip will do in June This year New York, where I delight and rejoice in the Metropolitan Museum, MOMA and the Museum of Natural History, once again, because they always appreciate a bit of art, please. ----------------------------------------------
[1] How true! What wisdom! Ever heard it was a showgirl who became a congressman and I was recorded as the number he had in ... well, you understand me. [2] In the days following the success of the tit ... English friends told me: "Jesus, did you hear about the English-Peruvian film he won in Berlin. " Is that clear, everything here is English-Peruvian, as Mario Vargas Llosa. [3] Sorry. I searched the Internet table a thousand hours and only got a little black and white. However there are other works on similar or better Web. I encourage you to enjoy them.