Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Aluminum Zirconium During Pregnancy

A bit of art, please

The months have raced at the speed of Usain Bolt from last Once I posted something in this blog. Late November and since then nothing. Total dryness. Dry the pitcher after the source ... and so on. Have not had anything to say? Had he spent the gray matter? "I had said goodbye the muses? Was fought with writing? Topic
always, though I'm not sure if he wanted, they at least when he wrote "without raising his fist." He could have spoken, for example, the end of the year, Obama and his uphill in America or Europe as temporary speaker of the weather when he meets a stranger in the elevator. Something to say so as not to remain silent. Avoid awkward silences and phrases like "passed an angel." Following the slogan "Speak good or bad, but speaks" [1]. I could have written about Llosa, not my dear friend singer-greetings, Llosa, from Vigo, but the filmmaker of The Empty Nest , and how here in Spain speak of victory at the Berlinale film " English-Peruvian ", in that order, and proudly information, or as a film more" English "success rate reaching the Pe Bardem. Because while a Peruvian made on an issue as Peruvian as exotic, but the post is English as much of the investment [2].
That's all right. No complaint. Again, had issue, but the time dragged. And enough time has passed. And so I dare to write again. About Holland. Or rather about a group of nineteenth-century Dutch.
turns out that since 2003 the famous Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, one of the world's most prestigious style Louvre or the Prado, is under renovation, so that only 5% of his works can be seen in the same castle that houses it. The remaining 95% are turning to the major cities of Europe, USA and Japan. A them, concerning the Hague School is located two blocks from my home in the city center, it would be unforgivable to miss it.
few days ago I went to the edge of the night, and again this week because once is never enough. After an hour and a half wandering around the room, as long as I stayed until it closed its doors, I ended up with the feeling that we need a full day to appreciate and enjoy pictures of unsurpassed beauty.
Influenced by the Barbizon School in France, the exponents of the School of the Hague-inspiring modern masters like Van Gogh focus on the Dutch countryside, towns and villages, and the sea and fishermen, with an enviable sensitivity. Highlight the meadows, the landscape of windmills, typical Dutch, as In the month of July. A windmill on a polder , Gabriƫl Constant, constant or cows in the works of Willem Maris, as Vaca reflected in water, does inspiration Cows Van Gogh?
The exhibition is a walk to relax, that rocks that blanket. And their authors, perhaps lesser known artists elsewhere, and bowing to beauty. In just half an hour I could enjoy some of them. One of the most Featured perhaps Anton Mauve, cousin and mentor of Van Gogh from the beginning. Your Walk of morning on the beach (pictured in this text) is known for its colors, its realism to the point of having the droppings of the horses in the foreground. They say that this detail went unnoticed for years since their first buyers, reluctant to see horse poop in the art, sent to cover them. It was not until many years later, while working on the restoration of the painting, when they discovered the feces.
seventy-five works displayed on the School of the Hague, on this first visit I stay with the picture of Louis Apol, One January afternoon in the woods Hague [3], one of the many paintings that the artist painted in the snow, the great obsession of his career. Apol toured the coldest continent with the intention to reflect the surroundings and the sensations in his work, so different from the cold air of his oils, are capable of emotions.
why must I go back these days and until 12 April when the exhibition ends, to continue to enjoy this collection. As many times as necessary until you have referred to ad nauseam every Dutch paintings and watercolors. Definitely the best advance the adept at sweet, the trip will do in June This year New York, where I delight and rejoice in the Metropolitan Museum, MOMA and the Museum of Natural History, once again, because they always appreciate a bit of art, please. ----------------------------------------------
[1] How true! What wisdom! Ever heard it was a showgirl who became a congressman and I was recorded as the number he had in ... well, you understand me. [2] In the days following the success of the tit ... English friends told me: "Jesus, did you hear about the English-Peruvian film he won in Berlin. " Is that clear, everything here is English-Peruvian, as Mario Vargas Llosa. [3] Sorry. I searched the Internet table a thousand hours and only got a little black and white. However there are other works on similar or better Web. I encourage you to enjoy them.