Friday, April 10, 2009

Why Doesn't Denise Milani Show

Heineken, skipper Marc

From this year, getting away a bit of agnosticism, forgive you, I have decided to become a believer and read it. I have become more devout and faithful servant of San Gennaro, Genarín for friends, my idol, my picture, my little card on my bed, my light at the end of the road, all from this Holy Thursday, or from yesterday. And do not know how it has changed my life! Now I have in me inner peace.
So far Leon was for me the city slaughterhouse meat, sausage and spices in bulk, dry cold and bronze statues of the English people it's heyday. But now I get to their patron saint, or at least the saint to which many will worship and homage. And I join them. It
every Holy Thursday for about seventy years, the faithful take in procession the image of San Genarín, patron Marc [1], and therefore gradual, patron of the drunks. And it is followed by a crowd that follows the steps giving it even pays homage to the bottle during the Easter and clean if not the sins of the soul, at least the body of toxins.
Your name, Genaro Blanco Blanco, lived in the early twentieth century and was always fond of good drink, women and brothels. By profession he was Pellejero, what else could be, but worth truths, barely exercised. He preferred to go with the pleasures of the flesh, a john, and die in his own.
According to gossip, at Easter 1929, a note appeared in the Journal of Leo in which he reported that on the morning of Holy Thursday, in bizarre circumstances when a drunk who apparently gave vent to his "urgent needs on the basis of the third bucket of the Roman wall of León, at the level of street racing," was struck by the first truck of the city garbage . It turns out that Genaro Blanco, drunk to Cuba, I take the time and took a piss when it appeared the garbage truck, the first of León, say with pride, and took him ahead. He died in his law, no doubt.
Since then, his closest friends and fellow members of drunkenness decided to make a pilgrimage in the footsteps of that night to the same place where he lost his life to leave a glass residue. And year after year, it was adding people into a pagan tradition but is a busy partying and macerated.
Some say remember him as a man rather short, and ugly face with a permanent tan, thanks to alcohol, who frequented the bars and taverns, where Marc spent his drinking. Rumour other who was dirty, pissed and armed scandal, but who speak that way and was recognized as religious cucufato excluded in these days of what it was once their own parties.
Finally, he died a drunkard and since then, and thanks to some miracles, at least be credited with curing the patient of kidney-, every year we take in procession through the city and remember him in the bottom of each bottle. Nothing more beautiful and true witness, outside the chest beating, self-righteousness and not to stay at home watching movies holy.
In Peru, I do not know a patron of this vast amount. At most Sarita Colonia, also of the time, rather patron saint of the poor and snacks, say in Callao, the whores and thieves, because everyone is entitled to go to heaven, but a patron of the drunks, for somebody please correct me, since he already is time and what a shame not having anyone to pray. If you find some that say it loud and clear that I do I aim and to sponsor me for the party bosses, you understand me.
Meanwhile, the health of San Genarín, I offer to wait for the next Holy Thursday. ----------------------------------------------
[1] Marc is a spirit, a spirit which is obtained from the distillation of grape bagasse.