Friday, July 31, 2009

How Can A Person Die From A Bowel Obstruction?

I'm a fan of Uncle San Genarín

The first time I came to Europe were entering this new century and the world's Surf despercudía the Sydney Olympics. He had been invited and encouraged to Germany and, sorry, I landed in Frankfurt on 30 October, Octoberfest came to an end and I was disappointed. However, in the month I was in tourist plan I got even trying all kinds of beer from supermarkets, bars and taverns. My companion, despite her life totally Germanic origin and was more of white wine, beer taste but enjoyed seeing red, brown, brown, gold, orange. Until by chance I put a bottle in his hand, "this is not German, I think it is rather Dutch, but it's pretty good ", read: Heineken.

The first time I was traveling in New York and had no Twin Towers, and how good Peruvian bottles at me grabbed my father, good Christian, to drink beer. By then I was in Pilsen or Cusco with a single glass in round and foam on the ground, bang, bang. Cheers Crown knew the movies, with a lemon wedge on top of the bottle, but then cost one blue eye of the face and it was difficult to get them. I left the choice in the hands of my father, who lived in North America had been good years. "The Budweiser cat seems to pee, "he said. We got in the car and went to an area of \u200b\u200bQueens that sell wholesale. Called a case of Heineken. Twenty-four cans green. Tremenda drunk!

Just over two years I moved to Spain with my wife. I came with a sense of divorcing estarme beer, especially Peruvian, to the bed where wine, specialty of the house. However, I can not complain. Lucia, when not giving the Mojito opts rather for the Clarita (beer mixed with lemon soda), but when we first arrived was beautiful only when I said "in my parents' house drinking beer flows." Then I met my father in his environment: in addition to the red with the food, go to the Heineken as one drinks water when thirsty.

In my house there's always beer. I no longer drink like in Peru, until the dogs, and I love you I adore you, etc.. Here as you get used to a more enjoyable pace, drink and enjoy it. A beer or two a day, with food, thirst-quenching period. Only Heineken. It's the best I've tried so far and although it has detractors, like everything in this life because the authors go further lost when it comes to tastes and styles, I stick I stick to it.

The point is that a few months ago someone passed me in an email advertising Heineken is great. By now everyone must have seen the left because a new, green tin. Of great talent. Perhaps American, perhaps English, who knows. Then he went on television and has since been created to a community, like the ring, but on the Internet, with over 130 000 fans Uncle advertising, the blond that photo, which excites anyone to tears, I the first.

Because no shoes in the world, wallets in the world, bags in the world equal to the excitement, the lack of control, the overflowing joy of the Lord touching when you see the paradise, the great Your friend's refrigerator. I want an equal!

Who has not dreamed of having an entire room full of beer and tempered. And soul mates willing to not leave you alone in the daunting task of giving free rein to the last drop. It is the dream of everyone. The panacea!

advertising going there and tell me if it does not want to be the best friend of this man.
