Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Painting A Fire Hearth

Mr. Brown's letter

When Mrs. Jessie Brown was the second of his three children, perhaps, to watch him grow and play was president, thought that one day this family of Protestants, would a tenant 10 Downing Street.

Many years later, when Mrs. Jacqui Janes had a son, Jamie, perhaps, to watch him grow and play with toy guns, thought that one day, the English family would have one of its members in Armed Forces .

What I never imagined the first is that his son had such bad handwriting and even, say, spelling, because overall, is a lesser evil after he had to suffer her poor son [1]. However, the second not imagined that a mine in Afghanistan will take the life of belonging first battalion of the Grenadier Guards of the British Army while on a routine walk. Menudo

brown that got Mr. Brown as a victim or not their short-sightedness, decided to write a letter to Mrs. Janes to offer his condolences on the death of his son, days later in a hospital. Because not only has a calligraphy frightening but also writes in a draft, or with patches that first manuscript, full of misspellings and words without end in the same style "I understand." An official letter that looked more like those leaves in which writers scribble bits and pieces to get the story pace and focus, in short, evidence later go to the trash can, without question.

It turns out that Mrs. Janes, indignant she dolidísima her for the death of his son and this letter as vulgar and blotted, went straight to the world's largest daily tabloid world The Sun , did not hesitate a second publish it for about acid throwing barbs against Prime Minister of England, no less.

And scandal sells more than books of Dan Brown, a brown one more to the story but now little has something to do, "the Brown story, the English Premier, he ignored his advisers and called ipso facto to hurt Mrs. Janes to explain the inexplicable, and as you know lady who is my writing that I am and not who can not write the name of his son, and so on. And as Mrs. Jane learns quickly even in times of mourning, he decided to record the conversation because while there are also newspapers TV channels just like the tabloids.

Lucky for him, Mr. Brown issued its apology a day later but in the background still does not recognize that you can not write too well and that your handwriting lesson should be limited to masturbation, if possible, and signing Prime Minister when necessary. -------------------------------------------------

-------- [1] When I was young, James Gordon Brown lost complete vision in his left eye playing rugby and the right is just 30%.