Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Where Does Audit Logs In Windows Goes?

Discrimination, are all

few months ago I live in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, a town adjacent to the south of Barcelona. Something like Lima and Callao. Pretty close to the stadium of Barcelona, \u200b\u200band as a good economic zone, pretty strong Latino presence in Ecuador and with good dyes Arabs, masters of business call centers and warehouses, pakis .

This city, for better or for worse, for a time that is far from what is actually Spain and what they were before their English. Barcelona has become, as major cities in the world, in cities worldwide. An explosion of cultures and peoples. In sum, a "city-nation", as Victor Hugo called Paris in the formidable novel is Les Miserables.

And as such it can accommodate in its foundation of plurality, diversity, colorful landscape that is the human condition. Walking down the Ramblas, I have said before, one can get of the thousand languages \u200b\u200bthat you hear from the walkers as the Tower of Babel. And then one, you want to go step by step adapting to a place that begins inch to also be his own, leaving behind prejudice, narrow-minded and intolerant, and coupled with good taste to new rules and ways of living . It is and has always been the law of the immigrant.


But some time in some parts of Europe, the possibility of living healthy and productive, to continue the growth of human Parnassus, is being diminished by atavistic minds and oblique positions, which raise the return to the past, stuck liar to that speech which is more than defeatism of reason: "All the past was better." Appear, either by mass hysteria generated as a result of Islamic terrorism, whether by the ongoing replevin and understandable African boats, or whether the same changes that cultural diversity itself requires. And they gain prominence in the midst of political and ideological break laxitudes left. Earlier

day reading an article Santiago Roncagliolo on the far right, where he sees with eyes alarming conservative victories in some areas of the Old Continent. But we must remember that this is nothing new. In Austria at the beginning of this new century, the far-right Haider was already tuned to the center-modern Europe. As Nicolas Sarkozy's victory in France should be little surprise in these times.


The conservatives and Republicans should not be taken as a problem but as a reading that should not be denied. The necessary question is not how but why and for what they are. The bipolarity of left speech and right is already old and worn. The ideological differences correspond to the same plurality of thought and speech. And they exist, coexist and succeed and lose is part of precisely this coexistence.

If the right of Sarkozy calls for anyone wishing to reside in France who speak French and learn about French culture as much as national, not just a asolapada discrimination but also the reflection of human thought, discriminatory in nature. Or perhaps are we not all discriminators? A few days ago I read that in Lima just temporarily shut down the nightclub Café Ocean with the addition of a fine that hurts in the pocket (241 thousand 500 soles, over 60 thousand euros) but never more so than the pride of those being black cholos or are prevented from entering this establishment.

few weeks ago, here in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin a working meeting where we met both English and South American, an Ecuadorian, by watching a gay couple kissing romantically, uttered a cry of disgust and revulsion that the act was rejected by a Catalan group, married to a Brazilian, with this sentence: "What are you, spic horrible, you have not seen your face!".

And in one of the news programs also spent a few days ago as they were discriminated against women in different interviews work when they found out that those were pregnant.

discrimination exists and will exist forever. Whether for convenience (when people work requirements demand no more than 30 years, with university degree this or that), for taste (things of love, say the experts), for envy (from fat to thin, the chat high, from black to white, ugly to beautiful), social pressure (there are, and always in school groups to the beautiful and successful "always smiling, and intelligent and" dumb "leaning against the side), for status (type Café del Mar and many others who reserve the right of admission) and a very long etc.

Ergo, the triumph of the rights and tacit fear of change should not be alarmed but to show that this is our landscape, we have every right to think as we see fit, and that while there are arguments that are detrimental human and social development should not be left out as we continue to live with them every day either in Europe or Latin America or anywhere in the world. And that the best solution to this universal tara is to continue educating people with common sense and instilling values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and respect, and from time to time to read the Manual de Carreño, Of course.


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