Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mount And Blade English

on priests and military

long ago reached my ears a strong statement while chilling. Briefly summarized the history of modern Peru, easily applicable to much of the world. It touches us and what lies ahead. He said that to govern and live in peace was to live well with APRA, the Church and the military.
In the former does not think or dwell for a second. For that we have enough with Romulo Leon and company. Was the least bad option in 2006 and therefore are now where they play. Today I have wanted to speak instead of priests and military clans parasitic members of the "institutions" less productive in our society.
If anything I can disown the English since I live in this country is that more than 500 years have had the bad idea to land on earth new to cures with the cross in front [1]. I was surprised that a country as modern and eighth largest economy in the world until a few years ago allocate part of the money raised from taxes to feed the Church. At least now, as part of a multicultural and pluralistic European community and constitutionally secular, and not unilaterally allocate money from their taxpayer-Catholic or not-for feasts of priests, but everyone, so choose the income statement.
that I know in Peru is not intended part of the taxes to support the Church, because if so it should be done with Protestants and Muslims and even agnostics and atheists. But there they are, embedded, pinned their clutches among people. Reviewing what should not and instilling fear people always, hell, sin. Pristine in their vestments, giving orders and directing, unable to join the rank of workers eight or ten hours a day, or take hoe and shovel in exchange for a meager pay.
Somebody show me the statistics of the money generated within the EAP praying all day. Someone tell me if he found a cure by shopping at the square of the neighborhood or was in large supermarkets. What credit is that?
I believe that priests are the basis of the "institution" more selfish society. No work, and people want to do so were quickly excommunicated Vatican communist [2], but they are not frugal. Said to exist to help those without, but living in the preserve. And what is worse, already has a place reserved in heaven. The great institution of society is the family. Parents who wake up every morning and struggle to raise their children all day every day, shows real generosity, love and responsibility, while the priests, selfish all flee from that commitment, preferring to live by and for them and occasionally extend a hand to become the big givers when they only make a useless example of charity.
should be put to work.
Instead what happens with the military line to the side rather decadent, mediocre man: envy and spite.
video appears a rant of Chileans militarote is not nothing but a real sign of weakness and pathos in which nothing that "institution" [3]. I return to the same thing: someone show me the statistics of the money generated within the PEA. On top of these must be kept with our taxes as a priest in Spain! And why? Why the writing life ranting and cursing neighbors over spilled milk?
always thought that is the antonym perfect military intelligence. And now I have shown. To be a soldier must be willing to swallow the ideas to change orders. In the barracks is forbidden to think, otherwise it would be impossible to discipline, order and hierarchy. Freethinkers not bind disproportionately love the boots and a less give their lives for a piece of land. Because it is not possible to love a place and under one flag. You may wish, wonder, respect, and above all, the people who live there. I do not love Peru, I love my friends, my family, they are there, their customs, their places. I love my wife and my kids love. And never in this life would take a gun to defend a piece of land as Cenepa, a place I do not know or think I'm going to see in my life. I am not of those who say "I go to war and die before I kill ten Chileans" or Ecuadorian or whatever. Why do I have to die I, and why they have to die ten of them! Can not we all live, period?
Such thinking is for the chauvinistic, chauvinists and retrograde. For estrechomentales unable to live with the natural liberties of man. There the vengeful ideas Humala against homosexuals and foreigners. Hence the ridiculous militarote able to talk about bomb and kill women with a chill Chilean Rosette.
an episode of The Simpsons in which ironically imagine a world without lawyers, and the result is a happy world, people smile and love everywhere. I do not know if the lawyers have so much guilt. At least make a living by working. I'd be happier in a world without priests or military, worshiping the earth with a rich pachamanca and drinking a beer with Chile and Ecuador.
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[1] Can you imagine the least corrupt in the world would live to worship the sun and the earth, our earthly gods, more near from the hand and less abstract? [2] What Gutierrez went to the father and the theologians of liberation when they began to defend their socialist ideas for farmers and the poor? [3] No institution can be called a group created to destroy. Look at Costa Rica and Switzerland, the only two countries in the world who have no armed forces, and how well they are doing. Is shown to be unnecessary. Japan after World War II, he realized that spending money on weapons was the biggest mistake, and became involved in investing in work and now is where is.


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