Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lulu Final Fantasy Costume Pattern


My lips slowly slipping from your neck to your breasts
strong, waiting for your breath
accelerate and signal me to stay in the fall
squeeze your thighs while resting them on my shoulders. Then
sujetaré your arms with my hands and the only movement that allow
be the thrill of your pelvis
fiddles while tirelessly pushing my tongue
to your flower opens, with bites not too soft on the threshold
of insanity.

continue, helping with my left hand caresses your
stone and nipples while the manufacturing side
a vacuum with my lips and my tongue
pointy in the company of my middle finger
meddling - even being invited -
in your most forgotten corners.
And I long to fill you with pleasure to the point of ecstasy
with your legs squeezing my head and pushing it further into
until my face is filled with your honey,
because I want to let me rejoice in your taste and your scent,
guess that already divine.

The place? It may be the middle of a street, Cuba sand
amid a dance or your bedroom.
hour? It would be lovely against the dawn as the sun
copper skin us at noon,
or a night on the cold claimed the moans of lovers.
Does the position? Preferably you on my knees and feet,
at risk of being discovered.
reason? Whatever, while the principle is love. Fernando Rosas

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What's The Best Thing To Put On A New Tattoo






very provocative



Monday, October 29, 2007

Mabuhay Miles Hsbc Visa Credit Card

is that you enjoy it too much
it's your turn
to feel the pleasure
to feel my tongue touch your skin

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Example Of Condolence


so I loved

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ap Lab 8 Hardy-weinberg Problems Answers

What would you do in this case?

More than once I've taken the commuter rail [1] that runs from Plaza of Spain to points far from Barcelona. It is a very convenient and fast option for the thousands of immigrants and Catalans living in remote areas of the city simply because the rent while further from the center, is lower. And every time I ride the train never even lived a situation similar to that of the boy who appears as the third member of a short video that has been around the world.
I'm talking about the assault he suffered in early October Ecuadorian girl hands and kicks, a "pimp" Catalan with a criminal record. The images have appeared in these days of Internet news channel and known. And the debates and controversies have opened in the TV and radio as a problem of xenophobia in a country that every year receives more immigrants, we can not cover with a finger.
However, I want to talk about that other character in this terrifying event. I mean that guy that appears in the video scene in the bottom of the socket. Which, apparently, is with headphones on full blast and looking elsewhere because you never realize what is happening before their eyes.
From what I've seen behind the video repeated a thousand times, that boy got the look modeled on Latin. So, another member of a group hackneyed ad nauseam in those days. Peruvian, Colombian or Ecuadorian like us, who was able to sit still in place while a couple of steps, in a nearly empty car and light enough to see the pin that we fall to the floor, it became hands clasped, and followed in his overlooked that they were attacking a young girl.
What could motivate a boy the look the other way when he sees a cowardly attack of punching and kicking a child? What could have gone through his mind during those moments while making the music that did not "see" anything? How do you sleep at this point during the night when recalls that stood idly by and let a violent human filth that way against an innocent?
How difficult to be in his skin! What fucking be in the midst of a similar situation! And may I never touch that misery.
Of the many trips I've done on trains and at RENFE (the national railway) and Metro, I never saw anything like that, but I heard stories of those many. Above all friends told me the Catalans after a long ride on rails, now prefer to be in charge of a motorcycle. Because all over the world cooked beans and Barcelona has accumulated a good kilos over.
I turn the boy. And I try to put in place. Take his place, put on his shoes. I imagine to be, for example, Bolivia, without papers in order, rather submissive, listening to my mp3 Carlos Vives I bought in a Chinese shop in a Latino street L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, after a day's work palette of 10 hours (assistant bricklayer), due to the strange house that I share with seven others [2]. And then I see what I see. A Catalan who is talking on the phone about, railing against the Moors and sudaka "he says that drunk (though the child has declared that it was not drink and that it seemed high), well, stoned, and sitting pull the paper the next seat. In the car I just let the Ecuadorian girl and a character who sits at the end of the train, apparently black, I'm not sure [3], ah, and also is the madman. I look up and take a victim could be me, but as it is completely cowardly elected women, girls, and he begins to hit, to touch a breast, insulting, yelling that they return home. And I do the idiot who does not see, the truth is that neither Carlos Vives hear because I prefer to be prevented. I think 'what if you have a gun? What if we fight and the police stop me? What if I get deported? What if better that I do not see anything?, total, are a stupid punches and a kick in the face. Total, no one is watching and I do not know and nobody will know because the car is empty. "
What could have made that boy, that unwelcome guest, in an unexpected situation? Shout, shout for help, say something to the aggressor, to throw the mp3 by the head, stand and face it, send a few punches, get the conch ... arrest and deliver to the police. What have you done? What would have reacted? Yes, take a minute and put yourself in their shoes, do not forget that you are Bolivians, paperless and in Spain who knows if you have the same rights because that one learns by going to a lawyer and an immigrant who commands all the silver in Potosí, have no money to pay some. Only your shoes fit a second and think about what they did. And Take the audacity to judge.
Because the truth is that I do not know what would. I do not want to know. Viewing the images from the comfort of my home, I think: "I threw a kick right in the chin and around her face and busting my knuckles Fuck." Of course, how easy.
Indignation is great and it's frustrating. Although the situation can not leave their cause. Are the authorities who decide the future of this criminal, xenophobic and cowardly, which is something. And others, or all, especially Latinos, demonstrate civic and absurd passage that eye for an eye is banished. Riding the commuter train remains what it was for me so far, a fast and convenient option and that is also safe. For the good of all. ----------------------------------------------
[1] Catalan is a train that goes from downtown-la Most of Plaza of Spain while others do Sants Central Station - to locations away from the province of Barcelona. And it has a cost areas. [2] As hypothetical is not intended to be the right nor real. Everyone, if you prefer, put an identity to this young man just to understand a bit more the situation and behavior. [3] See the beginning of the video, when people get off after one stop, a man entered a rear door and sits at the right end of the car. Seconds later appears that idiot, screaming over the phone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Music Of Charmed (season 3)

I caress you I want you I feel

I love you I have mine
not escape
fondling or let out a groan
your that's just my body

I Have 50 Pairs Of Shoes


She inadvertently came to my
needed a hug
because the love had left
the blanket with my arms
heat and gave him my hand lay
The protected them from cold night.
though I gave Love whether for instants
is felt love among my sheets
long hours of love in our bodies
plaque burden and thirsty
since that lady called me
night or day
it has no measures
just wants to be loved and valued
even for a day .

Does Verility Ex Cock Growth Work?

I penetrate your body your body

Flesh I sink penetrate

Among your tongue and your eyes pure

First with my eyes

With my heart in my mouth

Then with my loneliness

With my bones with my glans

Enter and Leave your body

Like a mirror

I cross hairs and moans

do not know what your skin and mine what

What my skeleton and what yours

shines Your blood in my arteries

Like a star

My arms and your arms are the arms

of a star that is multiplied

And that fills us with tenderness

We are an animal who falls

Ash Half half beat

A handful of earth that breathes

of incandescent materials

panting and enjoying

And never rest.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Really Tight Knickers

enters you

refuse to play not resist when I wear

I can not deny the heat in my wake

just feel a touch

when you dig my body language helped by your hand

manage to enjoy it and I enjoy it

enjoy the banquet bodies

and easily give the panting

but life ... Buscame deep,

find me and make me yours.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

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'm your lover obsessive

Full your skin, your empty

tell you things to look for ear

To touch your skin soft

you to pervade

Drunk pleasure to make you happy ...

Lump On Inside Lip Piercing


not forget that you love ...
But a lover can be loved more than anything ....
A lover not a second the plate ... fills you lover ....
lover becomes your reason to live .... your all ...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Is A Ball Gag Comfortable?

Though the night with me,

not sleep now,

only chance we tell if final.

That although the taste never

again the same

in life forgetfulness

usually do not last.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Red & White Roses Themed Wedding

"At the time of or Acurio Jamie Oliver?

In recent months at home is forbidden to watch TV from Monday to Friday at ten o'clock at night. To be more exact, it is forbidden for me to decide what you see on TV at that hour. Because for the next half hour is Lucia who monopolizes the cable. So the sky will fall on his head, no one moves the chair. From 10 pm, the Kitchen-frequency channel 64, Digital Plus, the missed program begins "Oliver's Twist " and if I have wanted to watch TV for a while I have no choice to settle down at his side.
Jamie Oliver is a young British chef, who as Acurio, educated at one of the best cooking schools in France after having studied London, and is much reference in his country and the other in Peru. A thought leader in the necessities of taste and seasoning. If he proposes something, if you visit a restaurant, if you go somewhere, then closed eye is expected success of those involved, of the elect. It is as if the genie of the lamp would have given the gift to turn into gold whatever he decides to play. An English version as much fun as our cook Peru [1].
recently saw a TV documentary in English Open, where he also begins to appear even though this is not a home-where Oliver joins such a well-intentioned ladies and aims to improve food in English schools. A task that began a few years ago and after much struggle, the documentary reveals the satisfaction of having come to fruition. It turns out that in England, the food in schools is based on junk food, biscuits, soft drinks, snacks and pastries cheap. What every child eats with pleasure if you have someone to check. And Jamie's campaign was so ambitious, fought and effective after a time reached the very Tony Blair to improve-million-euro through the power quality of the schools. A half-court pimientazo. Well
. I remember before I moved to Europe President Garcia came up to start a campaign to promote the consumption of anchovy throughout Peru. This initially drew the respect of the local cuisine, Gaston. And along with all the media at the Palace for an evening of camaraderie which was intended to promote the delicacies prepared from the tiny fish so just for fishmeal for export least for domestic consumption in a dish. And as if this achievement was twenty Chancay, Mr. Acurio, a way to promote the cuisine and offer education to the needy, he decided to get into the crazy idea to raise the sponsorship necessary to create a cooking school no less than in Window. A meritazo if we take into account the cost of logistics and production in the hands of people with fewer resources. To remove the cap ... cook.
And now I'm in Spain, when seen in this British TV, so like the other as a gastronomic reference, I still find other similarities that makes me think about who was first or who copied who or whether the world is so small that the matches are worth.
The theme Acurio program - "Culinary Adventure" - is new to cooking programs in Peru: choosing a product or species, mostly local, and worships in a program and several dishes for medium. First go to different restaurants [2]-that in the future will benefit from the divine grace of Almighty Acurio [3] - and after seeing and tasting Arabian preparations are encouraged by his own account, always inventive and tasteful. For
Jamie Oliver's proposal is not so different: in space can have more family-home cuisine in the heart of London dares to prepare dishes on a counter that is not nothing but a table snack giant. To do so varied and innovative, choose a theme and is visited by such disparate characters as an Elvis impersonator or a bachelor who is crying out to learn to cook to get a girlfriend. Then it gets down to the work and makes use of various spices around the world in a healthy and delicious attempt to merge them all to prepare mouthwatering dishes. A young and modern culinary proposal, just as risky and attractive than that of his Peruvian counterpart. With the same good taste and style, putting his hand and fingers without fear of traditional cooks. Perhaps two drops of water in different bottles. Two
chef who know good food and above all who appreciate good food. Not like those cooks pose and mandilito filled with pins on his lapel, which appear in different programs (I remember that you have a block of five minutes in a hateful girls program) to prepare dishes of jokes and funny names with a two tiny slices of meat and a sauce with the stripes that make the dish as if imitating a Pollock painting. Two cooks and table full plate. "As a province we eat, shit," I would say a good Trujillo. And not like you're playing comidita.
However, I do not know why I get the feeling that was Acurio who took a few touches to your program [4]. While there is enormous merit in presenting the Peruvian chef, I am left with that bitter taste of seeing in one of two places a copy. I like to think that English is the Peruvian imitated, or in the best case, there is a third chef and more famous and ancient that they, say, Paris and while the two studied there took the mold and adapted it to their own realities. I can be wrong.
good thing is that both are worth, and while still see Oliver twist around here, I can feel the pleasure of food is not synonymous with gluttony and indigestion, but tasteful.
------------------------------------------------ --------------
[1] write here "Peruvian cook" a synonymous way after using chef in the same paragraph. And not in a derogatory manner, as often happens in the world of cuisine and spices. [2] Hands up who does not envy the Acurio as it appears in program by visiting their restaurant after restaurant to taste some dishes that go over well Taype look good, and also come with a taste that brings up an appetite and welt ... of good. [3] remember going over one of those restaurants that he, as one who does not like things, promotes on his show, and seeing pictures on the walls with the owner, cook and even the servants, or embraced the smiling chef. One way to advertise: "The kid is terrific with beans, sir, if left in the program Acurio." No way around it. [4] Acurio program began in September 2003 while Oliver by "Fifteen", a restaurant that has in London and work in the kitchen giving 15 young who enjoy the food and who are unemployed, has five years on TV, which later he combined with "Oliver's Twist."