Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ap Lab 8 Hardy-weinberg Problems Answers

What would you do in this case?

More than once I've taken the commuter rail [1] that runs from Plaza of Spain to points far from Barcelona. It is a very convenient and fast option for the thousands of immigrants and Catalans living in remote areas of the city simply because the rent while further from the center, is lower. And every time I ride the train never even lived a situation similar to that of the boy who appears as the third member of a short video that has been around the world.
I'm talking about the assault he suffered in early October Ecuadorian girl hands and kicks, a "pimp" Catalan with a criminal record. The images have appeared in these days of Internet news channel and known. And the debates and controversies have opened in the TV and radio as a problem of xenophobia in a country that every year receives more immigrants, we can not cover with a finger.
However, I want to talk about that other character in this terrifying event. I mean that guy that appears in the video scene in the bottom of the socket. Which, apparently, is with headphones on full blast and looking elsewhere because you never realize what is happening before their eyes.
From what I've seen behind the video repeated a thousand times, that boy got the look modeled on Latin. So, another member of a group hackneyed ad nauseam in those days. Peruvian, Colombian or Ecuadorian like us, who was able to sit still in place while a couple of steps, in a nearly empty car and light enough to see the pin that we fall to the floor, it became hands clasped, and followed in his overlooked that they were attacking a young girl.
What could motivate a boy the look the other way when he sees a cowardly attack of punching and kicking a child? What could have gone through his mind during those moments while making the music that did not "see" anything? How do you sleep at this point during the night when recalls that stood idly by and let a violent human filth that way against an innocent?
How difficult to be in his skin! What fucking be in the midst of a similar situation! And may I never touch that misery.
Of the many trips I've done on trains and at RENFE (the national railway) and Metro, I never saw anything like that, but I heard stories of those many. Above all friends told me the Catalans after a long ride on rails, now prefer to be in charge of a motorcycle. Because all over the world cooked beans and Barcelona has accumulated a good kilos over.
I turn the boy. And I try to put in place. Take his place, put on his shoes. I imagine to be, for example, Bolivia, without papers in order, rather submissive, listening to my mp3 Carlos Vives I bought in a Chinese shop in a Latino street L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, after a day's work palette of 10 hours (assistant bricklayer), due to the strange house that I share with seven others [2]. And then I see what I see. A Catalan who is talking on the phone about, railing against the Moors and sudaka "he says that drunk (though the child has declared that it was not drink and that it seemed high), well, stoned, and sitting pull the paper the next seat. In the car I just let the Ecuadorian girl and a character who sits at the end of the train, apparently black, I'm not sure [3], ah, and also is the madman. I look up and take a victim could be me, but as it is completely cowardly elected women, girls, and he begins to hit, to touch a breast, insulting, yelling that they return home. And I do the idiot who does not see, the truth is that neither Carlos Vives hear because I prefer to be prevented. I think 'what if you have a gun? What if we fight and the police stop me? What if I get deported? What if better that I do not see anything?, total, are a stupid punches and a kick in the face. Total, no one is watching and I do not know and nobody will know because the car is empty. "
What could have made that boy, that unwelcome guest, in an unexpected situation? Shout, shout for help, say something to the aggressor, to throw the mp3 by the head, stand and face it, send a few punches, get the conch ... arrest and deliver to the police. What have you done? What would have reacted? Yes, take a minute and put yourself in their shoes, do not forget that you are Bolivians, paperless and in Spain who knows if you have the same rights because that one learns by going to a lawyer and an immigrant who commands all the silver in Potosí, have no money to pay some. Only your shoes fit a second and think about what they did. And Take the audacity to judge.
Because the truth is that I do not know what would. I do not want to know. Viewing the images from the comfort of my home, I think: "I threw a kick right in the chin and around her face and busting my knuckles Fuck." Of course, how easy.
Indignation is great and it's frustrating. Although the situation can not leave their cause. Are the authorities who decide the future of this criminal, xenophobic and cowardly, which is something. And others, or all, especially Latinos, demonstrate civic and absurd passage that eye for an eye is banished. Riding the commuter train remains what it was for me so far, a fast and convenient option and that is also safe. For the good of all. ----------------------------------------------
[1] Catalan is a train that goes from downtown-la Most of Plaza of Spain while others do Sants Central Station - to locations away from the province of Barcelona. And it has a cost areas. [2] As hypothetical is not intended to be the right nor real. Everyone, if you prefer, put an identity to this young man just to understand a bit more the situation and behavior. [3] See the beginning of the video, when people get off after one stop, a man entered a rear door and sits at the right end of the car. Seconds later appears that idiot, screaming over the phone.


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